Enrolment Policy
We are delighted to accept applications for enrolment of children aged more than 6 months and up to 6 years.
How to apply to enrol your child
We welcome applications for enrolment of children aged more than 6 months up to 6 years. For children aged 6 to 9 months we strongly suggest short days or part-time enrolment.
Please fill out this form to go on our waiting list. As places are only available when another child leaves, waiting list times can be unpredictable and it is best if you check back in periodically to see if there have been any movements - since that way we know you remain interested. The best email to use for checking on waitlist movements is enrolments@daisies.co.nz
You are welcome to visit Daisies – but we ask you wait until we know there is a potential place available
Please complete the waiting list form first. We do not conduct visits until there is some certainty that we will be able to enrol your child. Visits are booked over the phone as we need to make sure it is at a time that miminises disruption to our children. The phone number to call is 044616013.
Initial fees
On confirmed enrolment, a non-refundable administration fee of $150 is payable. Fees are payable in advance and the first payment of 2 weeks must be paid in full before starting. This is in addition to the administration fee.
Hours per day children can attend
We offer two enrolment options:
Full day - fully flexible access to care Monday to Friday between 7.30am and 6pm
Short day - Monday to Friday 8.30am to 3.30pm. This is our preferred enrolment basis for infants for developmental reasons. It is also designed to suit families with older school age siblings.
There is complete flexibility to switch between Short Day and Full Day enrolment, with one week's notice for a minimum of 4 weeks. Automatic payments must be updated at the same time. Please refer to our Fees page for information on fees for each option.
Days per week children can attend
Our options depend on your child’s age:
Children aged over 2.5 years must be enrolled a minimum 35 hours per week.
Children aged under 2.5 years may be enrolled on a part week basis, subject to availability. Part time places are a minimum of 3 days. It will not always be possible to match up requests for specific days of the week to available places. If you can be flexible then your chances of getting a place are much higher. We prioritise placements of 4 or 5 days, and to existing families.
Once enrolled it is not generally possible to reduce the number of days enrolled, but changes from long to short days are welcomed ,and from short to long days subject to staffing capacity.
We will try to accommodate adding days where we can. Adding additional days will not always be possible at short notice because there may not be available spaces on the "extra" days requested. However existing families will be given priority for additional days over new enrolments. Ask us about wait listing for extra days.
We work with part-time (less than 35 hours) families to increase their enrolment around 2.5 years. In all cases we aim to transition part-time children to the minimum 35 hours by 3 years, (36 months).
Children attending after they turn 5
Children who turn 5 while enrolled at the centre are welcome to remain enrolled at the centre until they start at school. We welcome all children to attend up to age 6.
Casual attendance
For children attending part-time, we can sometimes offer additional “Casual” days when other children are away. This can also be an option when families are on our waiting list for additional days.
From time to time it may also be possible to offer casual placement of children formerly enrolled during school holidays until the age of 6. These placements will depend on vacancies arising due to notification by other families of the temporary non-attendance of enrolled children. For example, when families go on holiday.
Giving notice of leaving Daisies and going on holiday
Families are required to provide at least 4 weeks' notice that a child will permanently leave the centre – this is not negotiable. It would also be helpful if at least 2 weeks' notice could be given before a holiday is taken so that other children may be accommodated on a casual basis. It is not possible to suspend fees while on holiday, but for extended holidays (more than 4 weeks) we will reduce fees to the minimum payable for your enrolment (e.g. short days).